Important announcement:. Hey Decubate.

11 Mar 2023, 08:16
Important announcement: Hey Decubate! We’re witnessing uncertainties in the crypto space where USDC is de pegging due to several factors. I wanted to assure you all Decubate reserves have no exposure to USDC or the crypto banks that are having troubles. Decubate founders have experience working towards compliance with regulators and that’s why we chose the hard path of establishing the company in the Netherlands even though it would have been easier to have offshore accounts & registrations. We chose the path that will enable our longterm succes rather than short term comfort and it’s paying off. As a compliant registered Dutch company we store company reserves on major secure Dutch bank accounts and some for liquidity on trusted exchanges. We make sure to have minimal exposure even though these events are highly unlikely to happen. Whatever happens, we’re prepared and here to stay. Our journey has just begun 💪 We know the community has been patient with us concerning events, we’ve been been building, and closing deals for a while. We’re excited for next week 👀 🚀 Feel free to discuss & ask questions in our community chats. Thank you for your continuous support. Have a pleasant weekend everyone!